
Smago jonu terapijas izpētes integrēšana plus
Projekta nosaukums: Smago jonu terapijas izpētes integrēšana plus
Projekta īsais nosaukums: HITRIplus
Vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu numurs: 101008548
RTU Projektu reģistra numurs: 4505
Struktūrvienība: Augstas enerģijas daļiņu fizikas un paātrinātāju tehnoloģiju centrs
Projekta administrētājs: Zinātniskās darbības projektu nodaļa
Finansējošais fonds: Horizon2020
RTU loma projektā: projekta partneris
Statuss: Īstenošanā
Projekta uzsākšanas datums: 01.04.2021.
Projekta noslēguma datums: 30.04.2025.
Finansējuma piešķīrēja nosaukums: Eiropas Komisija
Projekta zinātniskais/saturiskais vadītājs: Andris Ratkus
Projekta vadītājs administratīvajā jomā: Sandra Eldmane
Projekta kopējais finansējums:
Eiropas Komisijas finansējums 100% - 85 000 EUR
Projekta kopsavilkums:

The goal of Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration plus (HITRIplus) is to integrate and propel biophysics and medical research on cancer treatment with heavy ions beams while jointly developing its sophisticated instruments. Cancer is a central health problem for our society. Heavy ion beams irradiate tumours by focussing on the ill tissue while sparing the healthy part around, more effectively than any other irradiation treatment. The wider objective of HITRIplus is to provide radiation oncologists with a cutting-edge tool to treat the fraction of tumours that are not curable with X-rays or protons or have better survival rates or lower recurrences with ions. For this major initiative, HITRIplus has gathered a consortium engaging all relevant stakeholders and for the first time bringing together all four European ion therapy centres with leading EU industries, academia, and research laboratories. They all share the ambition to jointly build a strong pan-European Heavy Ion Therapy Research Community. A strategic partner is the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies, which federates eight countries in South East Europe with the ambition to build a next generation heavy ion Research Infrastructure in the area, to boost research and cooperation in a region trying to rebuild after a troubled past. HITRIplus Transnational Access will integrate and open to external researchers the experimental programme of the five European facilities providing therapeutic ion beams. Its Networks will structure and foster the research on heavy ion therapy, including clinical and pre-clinical research. Joint Research Activities will develop new accelerator and beam delivery technologies to extend the reach of the present generation centres and to define a new European reference design, at lower cost and dimensions, to make cancer ion therapy more accessible and to open new markets to European industry.

Projekta laikā tiks īstenotas sekojošas aktivitātes:
WP7 - JRA1- Advanced accelerator and gantry design
Task 7.5: Integration of an innovative superconducting gantry: optics, mechanics, beam delivery (CNAO, CERN, SEEIIST, INFN, MEDA, RTU).
This Task will be carried out in close collaboration with WP8. After an initial examination and comparison of the different existing conceptual gantry designs and of their performances and limitations, a specially appointed WP7 Committee will select the most promising option for further development. A risk management analysis (CNAO, MEDA) will be included to consider safety, security, reliability and performance factors so that the outcome is transferable toward a clinically usable machine subsystem.
Sadarbības partneris:
  • Eiropas Kodolpētījumu organizācija (CERN)
Publicēts RTU mājas lapā: 01.04.2021.
