
Innovative Curriculum for Latin America to Build Capacity in HEIs to Prevent Obesity
Project title: Innovative Curriculum for Latin America to Build Capacity in HEIs to Prevent Obesity
Project short title: CIELO
Number of project implementation agreement: 101082961
Registration number: 4639
Department: International Projects Unit
Administrating department: International Projects Unit
Finance fund: ERASMUS+
Project RTU role: leading partner
Status: In implementation
Project start date: 01.07.2023.
Project end date: 01.07.2026.
Title of grant issuer: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
General manager: Lily Bethencourt
Administrative manager: Krista Opmane
Project website: www.-
Total finance:
798 482.00 EUR

Mental health is an important health component throughout the lifecycle and forms an integral part of an individual's ability to lead a fulfilling life. Thus, childhood obesity keeps growing as a phenomenon in Latin American countries causing an enormous social, economic and mental health burden to individuals, families and wider society. Subjective well-being affects how people think, communicate, learn and develop and is a precondition for successful participation in interpersonal relationships, education, work and in society as a whole. On the other hand, poor mental health and physical health impede an individual's capacity to realize their potential, work productively, and make a contribution to their community. The general aim of CIELO projects is to increase the competences of HEI teachers and students in the field of health promotion in Latin America for the purposes of obesity prevention and mental health promotion. This aim is achieved by co‐operatively developing Post Graduate Training Program (online course of 15 credit points divided into 3 courses with 5 credit points each) and mobile application eToolkit "obesity prevention and mental health promotion" for the participating eight HEIs. Specific objectives are: 1) Enhance the competencies, knowledge and best practices of Mexican, Chilean and Costa Rican HEI teachers, students and working life professionals related to child obesity prevention and mental health promotion, 2) Development and face validity of the post graduate training program (15credits) in Latin American countries, 3) Development, piloting, and evaluation of the post graduate training program online courses related to obesity prevention and mental health promotion, 4) Develop and disseminate the mobile application eToolkit for obesity prevention and health promotion, and 5) Influence on policy level sustainability of the project results in Latin America. According to current evidence of COVID-19 in Latin America, individuals with obesity have an increased risk of hospitalization, increased need for intensive care and increased risk of death. It is crucial to educate future and current health care professionals to give health education to children related to obesity prevention and this will also promote positive mental health as well. Therefore, in the CIELO project we will modernize HEIs through the development of an innovation-, competencies- and problem-solving based Post Graduate Training Program and mobile application eToolkit tailored for health education.

While developing the CIELO work plan, consortium members have been reflecting the previous experience on the work process, allowing the consortium to see the possible risks and design flaws already in the development phase and thus ensuring more efficient project implementation phase. The main emphasis on the workplan leans on the developed content and e-toolkit solution (CIELO app). This is why the majority of the work packages are implemented in a linear order where previously developed content and data is advanced in the second phase.
The linear development process is kick-started by the WP2, which establishes the breathing ground for other relevant workpackages. In WP2 consortium establish a better understanding of the local situation, which allows the consortium to identify the needs and necessary actions that have to be taken. The results and findings developed under this WP are allowing consortium to start to develop the online course for local partners, the development phase leans on the previous findings.
The main focus of WP3 leans on the development of the pedagogical framework for the online course. Also, the WP4 is developing a mobile application, which is used for teaching and awareness increasing activities. This is why WP4 and WP3 are developed simultaneously.
To ensure that all the project activities reach a certain quality level, the project implements WP5, which monitors the project quality. These measurements are implemented especially while working with WP1-WP4, which are generating the backbone for the CIELO project and project outcomes.
The CIELO project has two WPs, which are active during the whole project lifespan. Project management activities are heavily linked to how well the project manages to reach the final outcomes; thus, it will be active from day one and linked with all the project activities. Just like WP1 also WP6 is essential part of the CIELO project, linked with all the previously mentioned WPs. The main function of WP6 is to reflect the gained results and disseminate them to third parties, allowing CIELO project to improve project sustainability.
CIELO work plan includes the following work packages:
Work Package 1: Management, coordination and evaluation
WP2 Mapping the Latin American HEI’s competencies and working life professionals competencies and best on child obesity and mental health to build grounds for online course development
WP3 - Online course and eToolkit content development; piloting of the postgraduate online course and eToolkit
WP4 - Mobile Application for obesity prevention –
WP5 - Quality Assurance and evaluation
WP6 – Impact and Dissemination of project results, Policy level influencing on children obesity
  • Turku University of Applied Sciences
Project published on RTU website: 01.07.2023.
