
Educational Platform lIfe Cycle assEssmeNt sTRucturE
Project title: Educational Platform lIfe Cycle assEssmeNt sTRucturE
Project short title: EPICENTRE
Number of project implementation agreement: 23006
Registration number: 4838
Department: Institute of Materials and Structures
Administrating department: Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Finance fund: EIT Raw Materials
Project RTU role: leading partner
Status: In implementation
Project start date: 01.01.2024.
Project end date: 31.12.2026.
Title of grant issuer: EIT Raw materials
General manager: Diāna Bajāre
Administrative manager: Diāna Bajāre
Total finance:

The Educational Platform lIfe Cycle assEssmeNt sTRucturEs (EPICENTRE) project aims to develop training content focusing on life cycle and cost analysis of products and their production processes. This comprehensive course targets both academics (students and researchers) and industry professionals and will be integrated into our educational framework.

EPICENTRE is a collaborative effort involving esteemed international partners: Riga Technical University in Latvia, TalTech in Estonia, Lulea University of Technology in Sweden, Aarhus University in Denmark, and the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute in Slovenia.

Commencing in January 2024, the project is scheduled to span three years. 

This initiative will not only enhance understanding of life cycle assessment methodologies but also foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among academia and industry stakeholders.

The test online test autumn school is slated for September 2024, followed by two on-site autumn schools: the first in Riga in September 2025, and the final session in Tallinn in September 2026, culminating in a fully refined and market-ready autumn school.
  • Tallinn University of Technology
  • Lulea University of Technology
  • Aarhus University
  • Slovenian National Building And Civil Engineering Institute
Project published on RTU website: 01.01.2024.
