
SEcurity REsearch NCP network 4
Project title: SEcurity REsearch NCP network 4
Project short title: SEREN4
Number of project implementation agreement: 786680
Registration number: 3566
Department: Institute of Materials and Structures
Administrating department: Unit for Research Projects
Finance fund: Horizon2020
Project RTU role: project partner
Status: Ended
Project start date: 01.05.2018.
Project end date: 01.03.2021.
Title of grant issuer: Eiropas Komisija
General manager: Kaspars Kalniņš
Administrative manager: Inga Raginska
Total finance:
Projekta kopējais RTU finansējums ir 70 672.50 EUR

SEREN4 is a 36-month Coordination and Support Action with the overall aim of strengthening the capacities of and cooperation among Secure Societies NCPs and providing high quality support and services to programme applicants and the security community at large with the view to enhancing participation in the security research and innovation area.To reach this objective, the project will develop four main activity axes, corresponding to the projects’ specific objectives: 1) capacity building of NCPs; 2) providing targeted services for applicants and security stakeholder to strengthen their participation to Horizon 2020 funding opportunities; 3) supporting networking opportunities within the Secure Societies constituency and 4) carrying out awareness raining activities to ensure that the information about SC7, Horizon 2020, new FP9 and SEREN4 project effectively and timely reaches the target audience. SEREN4 is the continuation and evolution of the precedent network, SEREN3, whose results and lessons learnt have been taken into consideration with the logic of improving the future network and in order to valorize the network’s strengths. In addition, new tasks and activities will be implemented to meet the challenges of the security area and requirements of new SC7 topics. The network will seek further opening to a wider target of stakeholders and businesses in the Secure Societies field. SEREN4 consortium comprises 19 Beneficiaries, with a good mix of well-experienced and less experienced NCPs, and representing Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries. Besides Beneficiaries, the project services will be offered to all officially appointed H2020 Secure Societies NCPs, who will be involved in project activities as “Associated Partners”.

1) capacity building of NCPs; 2) providing targeted services for applicants and security stakeholder to strengthen their participation to Horizon 2020 funding opportunities; 3) supporting networking opportunities within the Secure Societies constituency and 4) carrying out awareness raining activities to ensure that the information about SC7, Horizon 2020, new FP9 and SEREN4 project effectively and timely reaches the target audience.
  • The Agency for the Promotion of European Research
Project published on RTU website: 01.06.2018.
