
Food Engagment Labs
Project title: Food Engagment Labs
Project short title: Engagment Labs
Number of project implementation agreement: 19153-23
Registration number: 4787
Department: Innovation Ecosystem Development Unit
Administrating department: Innovation Ecosystem Development Unit
Finance fund: Eiropas Inovāciju un tehnoloģijas institūta (European Institute of Innovation & Technology – EIT)
Project RTU role: The sole implementer of the project
Status: Ended
Project start date: 01.09.2023.
Project end date: 31.12.2023.
Title of grant issuer: EIT Food IVZW
General manager: Alina Dolmate
Administrative manager: Ginta Avena
Total finance:
18 750.00

In total, four food workshops invited participants to come up with ideas for products combining meat and plant-based ingredients to reduce overall meat consumption and enrich the product with plant-based nutrients. The most innovative product idea was "MILZU!", which will be launched in 2024.

Four EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs will be organised, where participants will have the unique opportunity to influence the future of the food industry and the development of new products by working with a company in the industry, to explore food trends and challenges, to learn new knowledge on health, nutrition and product choice and to develop their creativity in an inspiring environment.
Project published on RTU website: 01.09.2023.
