
Development of knitted self-generating sensors: combining physics and knitting technology
Project title: Development of knitted self-generating sensors: combining physics and knitting technology
Project short title: Knitted SGS
Number of project implementation agreement: lzp-2022/1-0290
Registration number: 4709
Department: Institute of Technical Physics
Administrating department: Unit for Research Projects
Finance fund: LZP fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projekts
Project RTU role: The sole implementer of the project
Status: In implementation
Project start date: 01.01.2023.
Project end date: 31.12.2025.
Title of grant issuer: Latvijas Zinātnes Padome
General manager: Juris Blūms
Administrative manager: Anete Rutka
Total finance:
299 361.00
Project published on RTU website: 02.01.2023.
