
Purine-based carbenes: synthesis, photophysical and optical studies
Project title: Purine-based carbenes: synthesis, photophysical and optical studies
Project short title: PBC
Number of project implementation agreement: LV-FR/2024/5
Registration number: 4852
Department: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Administrating department: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Finance fund: Hubert Curien partnerības programmā “Osmoze”
Project RTU role: The sole implementer of the project
Status: In implementation
Project start date: 01.01.2024.
Project end date: 31.12.2025.
Title of grant issuer: Latvijas Zinātnes Padome
General manager: Irina Novosjolova
Administrative manager: Irina Novosjolova
Total finance:
10000.00 EUR

During the project, functionalized fluorescent purine carbene complexes with metals will be developed and synthesized by introducing electron donor and acceptor groups into the structures. The physical parameters of the synthesized functionalized purine carbene complexes will be studied, calculations will be made to optimize the structure design and the fabrication of experimental OLED and OLET devices.

1. Mobility trips of the Latvian group to the Wave and Material Laboratory of Aquitaine (Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine, LOMA), Bordeaux, France.
2. Mobility trips of the French group to the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia.
Exchange trips are necessary to 1) get acquainted with the specifics of work in other laboratories; 2) discuss the possibility of application of the obtained results and further scientific development strategies; 3) discuss future ideas and perspectives; 4) share the knowledge about the improvements of existing experimental set-ups.
Project published on RTU website: 01.01.2024.
