
Development of RTU Infrastructure for the Centre of Engineering Sciences and Smart Technology in the Field of Smart Specialisation
Project publications:
Project title: Development of RTU Infrastructure for the Centre of Engineering Sciences and Smart Technology in the Field of Smart Specialisation
Project short title: -
Number of project implementation agreement:
Registration number: 3170/2017
Department: Office of the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Finance
Administrating department: .
Finance fund: ERAF, “P&A infrastruktūras attīstīšana Viedās specializācijas jomās un zinātnisko institūciju institucionālās kapacitātes stiprināšana”
Project RTU role: The sole implementer of the project
Status: Ended
Project start date: 15.09.2017.
Project end date: 31.12.2023.
Title of grant issuer: Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra
General manager: Dace Paule
Administrative manager: Marija Nikipelova
Total finance:
Kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas EUR 32 689 124,22
Project first publicity: Download
Project published on RTU website: 04.10.2017.
