
Project title Number of project implementation agreement Department Period
Multilayer silicon nanocapacitor with improved dielectric layers Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnologies 01.03.2017 - 29.02.2020
Multi-scale laser surface texturing for low ice-friction contacts - Institute of Materials and Surface Enginering 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2025
Multiscale Characterisation and Simulation for Hydrogen Embrittlement Assessment: Development of an Open Knowledge Platform to Foster Capability Integration 101135374 Institute of Information Technology 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027
Multifunctional Surfaces of Titanium and its Alloys Produced by Laser Pulses Institute of Materials and Surface Enginering 01.01.2021 - 30.06.2023
Daudzfunkcionāls modelēšanas rīks mainīgajiem nākotnes elektroenerģijas tirgiem un to attīstībai lzp-2021/1-0227 Institute of Power Engineering 03.01.2022 - 30.12.2024
Daudzfunkcionāla bio-bāzēta kompatibilizatora izveide un ietekme uz reciklētu polimēru kompozītu ar biomasas stiegrojumu veiktspēju lzp-2021/1-0347 Institute of Polymer Materials 03.01.2022 - 30.12.2024
Multidimensional stormwater treatment in urban areas for cleaner Baltic Sea CB0100018 Water Systems and Biotechnology Institute 01.05.2023 - 31.03.2026
Datu iegūšana un popularizēšana par zaļo lietus ūdeņu apsaimniekošanas risinājumu darbību Latvijas apstākļos 1-08/68/2022 Water Research and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory 01.09.2022 - 31.12.2023
Computer networks traffic management using machine learning techniques Institute of Telecommunications 01.12.2018 - 30.11.2021
A prototype of typical structural health monitoring system of operating objects for condition based maintenance Institute of Materials and Structures 01.06.2021 - 30.11.2023
All-Natural Wood-Like Bioplastics by Reassembly of Lignin, Hemicellulose, and Cellulose lzp-2019/1-0390 Department of Polymer Materials Technology 01.02.2020 - 31.01.2023
Developing and demonstrating portfolio of nature based and smart solutions for improving urban climate resilience in Latvia and Estonia 101074438 LIFE21-CCA-EE-LIFE Water Systems and Biotechnology Institute 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2027
Establishment of COVID-19 related biobank and integrated platform for research data in Latvia VPP-COVID-2020/1-0016 Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering 01.07.2020 - 31.12.2020
Cities & Rail: Increasing potentials for Smart & Just Cities 4054 Faculty of Architecture 01.11.2018 - 31.10.2019
Circular Economy Innovative Skills in the Textile Sector (ES01 - ESPANA) 2017-1-ESO1-KA202-038419 Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies 01.11.2017 - 30.04.2020
ChangeMakers - Start-ups for sustainable environment created by youngsters CB291 Design Factory 01.03.2020 - 30.11.2022
Developing Central Baltic University Level Professional Logistics Education CB743 Liepaja Branch 01.04.2018 - 30.09.2020
Central Baltic Mentoring for Migrant Women seeking Employment CB0100070 Design Factory 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026
Ceļvedis uz energoefektīvu Latvijas nākotni (EnergyPath) VPP-EM-EE-2018/1-0006 Department of Environment and Energy Systems 11.12.2018 - 10.12.2021
Commit Climate C026 Department of Environment and Energy Systems 24.09.2022 - 31.12.2025

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