Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
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Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Machine and Mechanism Dynamics Research Laboratory

Head of the Laboratory, Leading Researcher, Professor, Dr. sc. ing. Aleksandrs Januševskis
Ķīpsalas iela 6B–109, Rīga

Machine and Mechanism Dynamics Research Laboratory (MMDZL) is founded in 1961 following initiative of academicians J. Panovko and E. Lavendelis.
The laboratory mainly develops methods, algorithms and software for modeling, identification and optimization of the dynamics of complex mechanical systems. In 2019, MMDZL joined the RTU Oscillation System Nonlinear Effect Laboratory (Prof. S. Cifanskis).
The main research directions of the laboratory:

  • Machine dynamics and strength modeling, computer aided design and calculations;
  • Development of experimental planning and metamodeling methods;
  • Development and application of multidisciplinary optimization methods in mechanical engineering;
  • Multicriteria robust optimization of composite material elements;
  • Optimization of the shape of mechanical objects in the presence of uncertainties.

Many scientific projects have been implemented in MMDZL, for example, with one of the latest projects «Development of experimental planning and metamodeling methods for optimization of dynamics of spatial multi-body systems interacting with bulk materials and fluids» RTU has attracted ~ 200 thousand EUR.