
Reģionālo ekosistēmu pakalpojumu pārvaldības veicināšana
Projekta nosaukums: Reģionālo ekosistēmu pakalpojumu pārvaldības veicināšana
Projekta īsais nosaukums: PROGRESS
Vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu numurs: PGI05955
RTU Projektu reģistra numurs: 4172
Struktūrvienība: BUNĪ ekonomikas un vadīšanas katedra
Projekta administrētājs: BUNĪ ekonomikas un vadīšanas katedra
Finansējošais fonds: Interreg Europe
RTU loma projektā: projekta partneris
Statuss: Noslēdzies
Projekta uzsākšanas datums: 01.08.2019.
Projekta noslēguma datums: 31.07.2023.
Finansējuma piešķīrēja nosaukums: ERDF, INTERREG EUROPE
Projekta zinātniskais/saturiskais vadītājs: Sanda Lapuķe
Projekta vadītājs administratīvajā jomā: Vineta Fortiņa
Projekta kopējais finansējums:
total Interreg Europe project budget: EUR 1,445,500.00
total ERDF: EUR 1,204,225.00
Projekta kopsavilkums:

The Regional Biodiversity Strategy (RBS) is the instrument aimed at the design and implementation until 2020 of the most urgent regional actions to fight the loss of biodiversity and of the ecosystem services offered by both the terrestrial and the marine environments. The RBS is consistent with and functional to the National Strategy for Biodiversity 2020 and the EU Strategy for Biodiversity. This strategy has been included in the Regional Plan for Environment and Energy so to guarantee the implementation of those actions that are considered most urgent and their necessary integration, both with the planning of protected areas and with other environmental policies. The main objective of this Strategy is to preserve and enhance the natural heritage of terrestrial and marine biodiversity of Tuscany, reducing and controlling human pressure which constitute a threat, favoring its sustainable use at the benefit of current and future generations. The RBS is in fact a response to the need for integration between the protection of biodiversity and the objectives pursued by sector policies, through a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration between different offices of the Regional Authority, local authorities, protected areas, agencies, the academic and scientific world, etc. What should be improved is the horizontal integration of the ecosystem concerns into the sectoral policies and plans and innovative financial and marketing mechanisms for payment for ecosystem services.

Projekta laikā tiks īstenotas sekojošas aktivitātes:
The sub-objective is to contribute to capacity building and policy learning in the partners’ regions by supporting exchange of experience among relevant stakeholders, in order to:
- promote the measurement of the costs and benefits of ecosystem services derived from land use.
- support the horizontal integration of the ecosystem concerns into the sectoral policies and plans at regional and/or national level.
- explore innovative financial and marketing mechanisms for payment for ecosystem services.
- ensure planning and funding restoration and adaptation projects and investments in green infrastructure.
- improve landscape governance for economic and environmental sustainability.
Sadarbības partneris:
  • National Association of Italian Municipalities Tuscany
Publicēts RTU mājas lapā: 01.08.2019.
