
Individuālas un centralizētas ēku siltumapgādes modernizācijas un pārvaldības risinājumi
Projekta nosaukums: Individuālas un centralizētas ēku siltumapgādes modernizācijas un pārvaldības risinājumi
Projekta īsais nosaukums: THERMOSS
Vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu numurs: 723562
RTU Projektu reģistra numurs: 3864
Struktūrvienība: Enerģētikas institūts
Projekta administrētājs: Zinātniskās darbības projektu nodaļa
Finansējošais fonds: Horizon2020
RTU loma projektā: projekta partneris
Statuss: Noslēdzies
Projekta uzsākšanas datums: 01.10.2018.
Projekta noslēguma datums: 29.02.2020.
Finansējuma piešķīrēja nosaukums: Eiropas Komisijas
Projekta zinātniskais/saturiskais vadītājs: Zane Broka
Projekta vadītājs administratīvajā jomā: Sandra Eldmane
Projekta kopējais finansējums:
Projekta RTU daļas finansējums ir EUR 183 750.00 EUR
Projekta kopsavilkums:

THERMOSS proposes an industry-focused, innovation-intensive approach to ease and foster the introduction of cutting-edge heating and cooling technologies for building energy retrofitting at European level, targeting residential buildings and buildings connected to District Heating and Cooling (DHC) networks. The aim of THERMOSS is to define a set of retrofitting heating and cooling packages based on cutting-edge, high-potential, market-ready technologies that are connected together thanks to an open ICT platform for smart energy management at building and district-level. The THERMOSS technologies have been picked out from the catalogs of prominent European industrial players, Bosch, Veolia, Exergy, Schneider Electric taking into account business profitability, energy efficiency and potential for large-scale deployment. They will be tuned, combined and sized as part of the project thanks to dedicated tools, to optimize their joint impact. THERMOSS advocates a geo-clustered approach to the definition of these packages, in order to increase the impact of the solutions with respect to specific climatic conditions and – when applicable – specific National policies (e.g. fiscal incentives) and regulations. The THERMOSS packages and the platform will be thoroughly demonstrated in seven experimental and demonstration sites, covering all the dimensions highlighted by the call: residential buildings, district heating and cooling networks, in different climatic zones.

Projekta laikā tiks īstenotas sekojošas aktivitātes:
THERMOSS proposes an industry-focused, innovation-intensive approach to ease and foster the introduction of cutting-edge heating and cooling technologies for building energy retrofitting at European level, targeting residential buildings and buildings connected to District Heating and Cooling (DHC) networks. The aim of THERMOSS is to define a set of retrofitting heating and cooling packages based on cutting-edge, high-potential, market-ready technologies that are connected together thanks to an open ICT platform for smart energy management at building and district-level. The THERMOSS technologies have been picked out from the catalogs of prominent European industrial players, Bosch, Veolia, Exergy, Schneider Electric taking into account business profitability, energy efficiency and potential for large-scale deployment. They will be tuned, combined and sized as part of the project thanks to dedicated tools, to optimize their joint impact. THERMOSS advocates a geo-clustered approach to the definition of these packages, in order to increase the impact of the solutions with respect to specific climatic conditions and – when applicable – specific National policies (e.g. fiscal incentives) and regulations. The THERMOSS packages and the platform will be thoroughly demonstrated in seven experimental and demonstration sites, covering all the dimensions highlighted by the call: residential buildings, district heating and cooling networks, in different climatic zones.
Sadarbības partneris:
Publicēts RTU mājas lapā: 05.10.2018.
