
PSO, SSO un lietotāju sadarbības arhitektūra inovatīvu tīkla pakalpojumu sniegšanai un energosistēmas efektivitātes uzlabošanai
Projekta nosaukums: PSO, SSO un lietotāju sadarbības arhitektūra inovatīvu tīkla pakalpojumu sniegšanai un energosistēmas efektivitātes uzlabošanai
Projekta īsais nosaukums: INTERRFACE
Vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu numurs: 824330
RTU Projektu reģistra numurs: 3731/2018
Struktūrvienība: Enerģētikas institūts
Projekta administrētājs: Zinātniskās darbības projektu nodaļa
Finansējošais fonds: Horizon2020
RTU loma projektā: projekta partneris
Statuss: Noslēdzies
Projekta uzsākšanas datums: 01.01.2019.
Projekta noslēguma datums: 31.12.2023.
Finansējuma piešķīrēja nosaukums: Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)
Projekta zinātniskais/saturiskais vadītājs: Antans Sauļus Sauhats
Projekta vadītājs administratīvajā jomā: Sandra Eldmane
Projekta kopējais finansējums:
Projekta kopējais finansējums ir 16 808 962.50 EUR Projekta finansējums Rīgas Tehniskajai universitātei ir 137 300.00 EUR
Projekta kopsavilkums:

With the growth of renewables, the increased interconnection of European grids, the development of local energy initiatives, and the specific requirements on TSO – DSO cooperation as set forth in the different Network Codes and Guidelines, TSOs and DSOs face new challenges that will require greater coordination. The European Commission adopted legislative proposals on the energy market that promote cooperation among network operators as they procure balancing, congestion management and ancillary services. The measures encourage procurement of services at both the transmission and distribution level, recognizing that this will enable more efficient and effective network management, will increase the level of demand response and the capacity of renewable generation. TSOs and DSOs must now define the services they want to procure in collaboration with market participants, and must set up ways to procure them in a coordinated manner. Digitalisation is a key driver for coordination and active system management in the electricity grid, enabling TSOs and DSOs to optimise the use of distributed resources and ensure a cost-effective and secure supply of electricity but also empowers end-users to become active market participants, supporting selfgeneration and providing demand flexibility. To support the transformation, the INTERRFACE project will design, develop and exploit an Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture to act as the interface between the power system (TSO and DSO) and the customers and allow the seamless and coordinated operation of all stakeholders to use and procure common services. State-of-the-art digital tools based on blockchains and big data management will provide new opportunities for electricity market participation and thus engage consumers into the INTERRFACE proposed market structures that will be designed to exploit Distributed Energy Resources.

Projekta laikā tiks īstenotas sekojošas aktivitātes:
INTERRFACE project will design, develop and exploit an Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture to act as the interface between the power system (TSO and DSO) and the customers and allow the seamless and coordinated operation of all stakeholders to use and procure common services. State-of-the-art digital tools based on blockchains and big data management will provide new opportunities for electricity market participation and thus engage consumers into the INTERRFACE proposed market structures that will be designed to exploit Distributed Energy Resources.
Sadarbības partneris:
Publicēts RTU mājas lapā: 12.12.2018.
