
Systems analysis MOOCs for sustainability transformation - SYSSUS
Project title: Systems analysis MOOCs for sustainability transformation - SYSSUS
Project short title: SYSSUS
Number of project implementation agreement: 2020-1-NO01-KA203-076487
Registration number: 4496
Department: Institute of Energy Systems and Environment
Administrating department: Department of Environment and Energy Systems
Finance fund: ERASMUS+
Project RTU role: project partner
Status: Ended
Project start date: 01.09.2020.
Project end date: 31.08.2023.
Title of grant issuer: European Education and Culture Executive Agency
General manager: Andra Blumberga
Administrative manager: Terēza Bezručko
Total finance:
409 548 EUR, kur 100% ERASMUS+ līdzfinansējums

The clear goal is to develop seven new MOOCs that progress from SD methodology to sustainability oriented applications. As a preparation for the project, two additional Canvas MOOCs are already finished. One of them serves as a template for the new MOOCs. The template saves much effort regarding choices of MOOC technologies and pedagogy. It demonstrates feasibility, and it ensures a familiar environment for recurring students. Teams are established for production and quality control for each MOOC. The MOOCs benefit from team member research regarding pedagogy, systems methodologies, SDGs, and interactions with decision-makers.

.Intellectual Output 09-2020 Template for MOOCs, protocol for quality control, and updating of two
2 Intellectual Output 09-2020 New MOOC on "Advanced System Dynamics Modelling for the analysis of
3 Intellectual Output 09-2020 New MOOC on "Group Model Building" (GMB)
4 Intellectual Output 09-2020 New MOOC on "Resilience and Emergencies".
5 Intellectual Output 09-2020 New MOOC on "Sustainable Production and Consumption".
6 Intellectual Output 09-2020 New MOOC on "Systems and sustainability at the food, water, energy
7 Transnational Projects Meeting 11-2020 Meeting 1
8 Short-term joint staff training events 11-2020 Seminar on learning template MOOCs and template ILEs
9 Multiplier Event 11-2020 Internal start-up seminar
10 Intellectual Output 01-2021 New MOOC on "Energy Transition and Climate Change".
11 Multiplier Event 07-2021 Special session at International System Dynamics Conference
12 Transnational Projects Meeting 05-2022 Meeting 2
13 Multiplier Event 07-2022 Special session at the International System Dynamics Conference
14 Intellectual Output 09-2022 New MOOC on "Systems Thinking for the Understanding of SDGs".
15 Multiplier Event 05-2023 Webinar presenting the MOOCs
  • University of Bergen
Project published on RTU website: 01.09.2020.
