Institute of Architecture and Design
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Institute of Architecture and Design

Reseach areas

Reseach areas

Research areas at the School of Architecture are developing in step with the architectural and town planning practice in Latvia, local and international challenges, and contemporary global trends.

The scientific activity of the school is focused on three main strands.

I. Preservation and development of architectural heritage and the identity of an urban space:

  • Latvia’s history of architecture in the European cultural context;
  • Balancing the local heritage conservation framework with global development trends in the building of modern urban development while maintaining local identity;
  • Use of traditional materials in modern architecture; 
  • Latvia's "dissonant" heritage (abandoned former USSR military zones, etc.).


II. Quality of the living environment and urban regeneration:

  • Development perspectives (scenarios) of large-scale housing estates;
  • Housing quality of historic urban centres;
  • Quality and regeneration of the outdoor (public) spaces of housing estates.

III. Adaptive and participative approaches in urban regeneration: 

  • Adaptation to climate change and urban development in flood risk zones;
  • Co-creation and planning participation for urban regeneration;
  • Smart city development and governance, information and communication technologies (ICT) for urban planning.

Modern development trends and rapid technological progress have created the need for interdisciplinary and proactive cross-sectoral collaboration in solving urgent complex problems.

Scientists of the School of Architecture have established close collaboration with researchers of other sectors of RTU important to the national economy and society and have engaged in interdisciplinary research within the framework of the RTU research platform «Cities and Development».

The School of Architecture is continuously evolving and strengthens scientific interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration with various entities and actors - universities, educational, public and local institutions, professional and non-governmental associations and  commercial bodies.